Commission: Turk Yujin & Rachel
So, going off the hype of Final Fantasy VII Remake's release, here are some OC Turks! These #commissions are done by the amazingly...
Commission: Turk Yujin & Rachel
Commission: Maleficent's Prisoner
Commission: The Snoop & The Hero
Art Share: Scream and She-Venom in Captivity
The Direction: Patreon
The Direction: Ko-fi
Commission: Terra Branford Detained
Commission: Queen & Lebreau
Commission: Terra Branford Low HP
Commission: Silenced Songstress Yuna
Looking back at 2018
Commission: Winter Elsa in Chains
Art Share: Rikku, Yuna, & Lulu (YRL?)
Commissions: Price is Right?
Commission: Kefka's Puppet