Well, it's about time for some #POP toy review! And how appropriate that I am back at it with some Frozen 2 POPs! And yes, this is Elsa in her Frozen 2 outfit! Which one? Well, let's get right into the review, shall we?

Finding out about Frozen 2 seems like ages ago! But ever since the leak the beginning of this year... the news of Frozen 2 came crashing down. Wave after wave (not a ton a time, but morsels and goo chunks in between) and leading up to this day, the marketing has been going bonkers (as it should since it is November and Frozen is 2 weeks away/ of course the World premier was last night, 11/07/19). The merchandise, as expected, did NOT fall short of coming and Funko does not disappoint. This time around, Elsa gets four (known) outfit and, of course, Funko jumps that wagon (need I mention that Anna also has four that Funko capitalized on?). Also, Funko has been doing these "moments" that applies for movies, comic books, TV shows, so on, and so on. I have a feeling that Elsa is going to get a moment with her and the Nokk. If there was one Elsa Frozen 2 POP that had to happen, clearly her 'default' outfit had to happen.

So as for the list.... I'm inclined to get adult Elsa and all her variants. Though Anna's outfit and bit by bit, I've been SUPER warming up to Anna.

There is one thing about Elsa in the first Frozen that makes her a bit... immobile. She constantly had to pull her dress up to run and she also had to contend wearing her heels. Why and how she did not USE her ice powers to travel around is lost to me... BUT, Frozen 2 seems to want to rectify that since the movie is apparently ABOUT traveling. How did Frozen 2 fix that? They gave her pants (I believe the broadway show of Frozen GAVE her pants as well so I don't know if Frozen 2 take heed of that). My opinion on this new outfit? I really like it. It's definitely a bit more practical and despite how it looks from afar and initially, it has a lot of neat designs that can be seen even clearer through pics and shown in this POP figure. The hints of purple definitely pays homage to her coronation color scheme and the different tints of blue gives that Elsa Snow Queen signature look without being too much. She also still sports that transparent cape which is now decided in two; it's also more practical... it no longer drags and encumbers her. I really like it and I want to see it in action.

Posture wise, it's pretty neutral but it's standard to how we have seen Elsa in Frozen 2 with a lot of promotional pics. I don't mind it. It allows for some showcasing of her new outfit. Details on everything else is standard POP and it's pretty good still. I can't complain.

I already talked about the colors and it is all well done. The small hints of purple compliments the different shades of blue and then the transparent cape, which also has its own small details of snowflake designs at the ends... well done. POP pulled it off with Elsa's new designs.

Again, she looks good overall. Mine came with some small dirt by the mouth though, but I'm not going to complain about that too much. When shopping, just make sure you pick the best ones!

Here is Elsa next to her "Snow Queen" dresses from the past: Standard (Let it Go Dress) and Frozen Fever. Still need that Winter Elsa, Disney! Come on! She gets more pale by the Funko, it seems!

All in all, I love this thing! Definitely a good start to the Funko Elsas that are going to be coming in this blog! Yes, I am going to be reviewing like crazy here! Will try to get them all in before 11/22/19!
Until Next Time!