"With Blood and Rage of Crimson RED
Ripped from a corpse so Freshly DEAD
Together with our Hellish HATE
We'll Burn them ALL that is their FATE!"
Yeah, that's right! It's time for some Red Lantern action! It's not Atrocitus, mind you. It's Hal Jordan! Wait, Hal had a Red Lantern ring at one point? Apparently. I wasn't with comics when/if it happened. But I am a fan of the Red Lanterns and most of the ones I saw wearing the ring are somewhat interesting or VERY interesting like Atrocitus, Dex-Starr, and Bleez (to name a few). So, let's see how Hal looks with a Red Lantern ring POP style, shall we?

Special edition from the TargetCon 2024! He wasn't a sell-out of that con since it's been a few months and I've seen a few of these POPs around different Targets.

I like the way the POP is posed. I also like the simplicity of the POP. For those who have been on my channel, flight stands are probably one of my favorite things about POPs. Although Hal isn't doing anything too dynamic, he is in a flight pose and that's something that adds a vibe to displaying any POP. The suit itself, though simple and has some nuances that translates well as a POP. Nothing too crazy but it's definitely better than painting the red sections of Hal's suit. Also, the Red Lantern logo is done well so no complaints.

The hairline here and there has a few missed spots with the paint but nothing major. I will say that I prefer the Red Lantern logo to be a bit more red than white and black but I get it--too much red and it might not stand out as much. But the energy emanating from his ring should be some kind of red. Also, the Red Lanterns mostly use blood coming out of their mouth but I'm not sure how POP would've pulled that off. Though all in all, the paint department ain't bad at all.

Here is POP Red Lantern Hal Jordan next to POP Green Lantern Jessica Cruz/Dia De Los Muertos. See! The light coming out of Jessica's ring is green! Coudl've pulled it off with Hal.

Verdict? It's not a must. Honestly, if I wasn't such a big fan of the Red Lanterns I would've passed on this. Green Lantern Corps and all their lore are cool and all but not on the top DC characters I like. Though this POP is significant for the Corps it represents and it's Hal Jordan. I'd say for diehard Green Lantern collectors there is value with this. I can recommend though finding a version without all the pain defects would be ideal since my copy came with some obvious imperfections.
Until Next Time!