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What's in the Commission?

Updated: Mar 2, 2019

Talking briefly about commissioning, let's consider a few things.

  • What's the purpose of the commission? Fanart? Cover art? Just cause? Personal preference?

  • What's the grand idea? How do you want it to look? What sources and images/references do you have to help you convey that message to the artist?

  • How much are you willing to pay? How much details do you want in it? Background?

  • Who is the BEST artist for this? Who are the artists do you have in your scope that could fit your style, budget, and time?

Obviously there's more to this, but these are just some things I listed to help get some juices flowing. As I talk more about this topic, I'll definitely get in depth with these points and share my experience.

Until Next Time!

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A Collector of action figures. A Gamer of various genres. Commissioner of awesome and fetish based fanart from different artists. I'm just another perverted geek expressing his opinions and views.

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