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Commission: Rikku trainer DiDressphere

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

Oh, Rikku! She sure can't get out of her #DiD moments, can she? Well, here's another gander at her #DiDressphere fiasco! A wonderful artwork provided by talented Sacodesaga! The trainer Dressphere adds another spice to this series full of twists and turns. The original look of Rikku's Trainer outfit had a long skirt that goes all the way down to her feet--it is also, might I add, one of her few modest Dresspheres. Fortunately, Sacodesaga took liberties and exposed Rikku's nice legs by opening up the skirt. Honestly, I wouldn't have minded a closed dressed look but hey, artistic liberty isn't going to be shunned down with this one. Again, another great addition.

Until Next Time!

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A Collector of action figures. A Gamer of various genres. Commissioner of awesome and fetish based fanart from different artists. I'm just another perverted geek expressing his opinions and views.

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