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  • Writer's pictureOnyx

Dissidia NT: Terra 2.0 & Other Updates

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

Now, here we go! Thanks to Truthblade Seeker, I got some news about #Dissidia_NT! I was wondering when the update for Terra was going to happen since Warrior of Light got his. I'm pretty happy it was soon and... well, my feelings about it are mostly good but there are some things that will throw me off. I won't say too much since I haven't played as her updated gameplay, but I just want to say that having the charged state not be taken out when taking damage is a good thing. That and Meteor at any time is a good thing! And Meltdown! Might have to go back that direction and see how it plays!

As far as the other updates, we are getting Type-0 stage, which is good for the sake of aesthetics. The other big news is having Locke Cole next week! I will most definitely being giving him a try and I have this feeling that I will probably be using him. I need a second person other than Cloud of Darkness, whom I barely play as!


Well, that's about it in regards to this post. Yes, I'm still addicted to Dissidia NT even if I don't play it as often.

Until Next Time!

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