There was a live-action Spider-Man TV show from way back when. Yes, there was! And believe me, it was a show of its time! While it may not have been the cinematic Spidey that we know now, I will say that it had some good things about it (right?). Regardless, let's check out the POP, shall we?

Another nostalgic addition to my ever-growing Spiderverse shelf!
Ain't no one can argue and say that this was a GOOD Spider-Man live-action take on the wall-crawler; no one can even say that this is the best-looking suit. It was 1977! Live-action shows and movies of Marvel & DC characters were limited. But, damn. I can only imagine how this hit the feels of young boys form the late 1970s, eh?

Honestly, as a live-action suit, it doesn't look that great. It doesn't stand up to any of the more recent outfits (yes, even Tom Holland's). Also, what is up with that non-thwipping hand? But as a POP and its attention to detail, it does get a lot of it right. The belt and web shooters are all present. The mask eyes are also accurate to the show and I do like how it looks. The webbing, and the spider logo, are all well done. The pose is pretty Spider-Man-like, but without the thiwpping hand, it doesn't feel like a Webhead's posture. But it is also executed quite well and overall, this area of the POP--the sculpt and posing--is not terrible at all.

The colors are spot on, honestly. I don't see any mishaps. The paint execution is solid and the colors does make this 1977 Spidey look like your traditional Spider-Man. Even the odd additions to his costume like the belt and the webbings over his suit are colored quite nice. All in all, the execution and the color choices hit the spot.

It's funny how the Japanese version of Spider-Man from the late 70s is more accurate than the Western version. Of course, 1977 Spider-Man is a bit more grounded to the comic book version than a space sheriff Spider-Man.

While these Spider-Men are generations apart, it's still easy to put down the 1977 suit and the show thanks to the Spider-Man trilogy and The Amazing Spider-Man duology. Still, Garfield's suit is better (and he's still the better Spidey).
POP: Live-action Spider-Men

I really do like this POP. There are plenty to like and for those who just want a Spiderverse collection, he really should be in there. This costume/version of Spidey is a small footnote in Spidey's long history so to have it, for me, that's a good feeling. He's not that hard to find in the wild in your local Target store. Yes, he's an exclusive.
Until Next Time!