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  • Writer's pictureOnyx

FFXIV: A'rlen Sirushi (Monk) II

Whoa! A new outfit for the Cutest WoL? That's right! This time around got A'rlen Sirushi in a sentai-Power Rangers outfit! It's definitely not too far removed from something my Miqo'te would wear. It's part of another event that is celebrating both Creative Unit Business III's success and the 10-year anniversary of #FFXIV. So without further adieu, let's get a good look at A'rlen's new outfit, eh?

The 6th Ranger

Disclaimer, The "6th Ranger" title is unique to me. Got the idea from a YouTuber who is a more massive and knowledgeable fan of Power Rangers-related things than myself. Do check out their website.

With all of that said, let's enjoy the fitter. There are plenty of things to like about this outfit because it is full of details! The one thing I really enjoy is the fact that there are multiple layers of designs one can really take in. That chest armor really is reminiscent of a few '6th Rangers' within the Sentai/Power Rangers line up! I adore it! I used a pearl white dye to give it a less-than-known color associated with A'rlen. She gotta keep the secret identity going, ya know? She becomes the Red 6th Ranger and it's all too obvious.

Glorious details on the profile view.

It's all symmetrical so nothing different on this side. Still, it's a good view, for sure!

Other than the shoulder/chest piece design that has even more details to like, this suit comes with a 'tail' design that signifies its phoenix symbolism. Also, that back piece of her 'chest armor' really does look good with all the little details on it.

The helmet is also another crowning feature of it. I love that glowing 'eyes and mouth' piece that gives her that "Power Ranger" look but still keeps it unique on its own. Also, those 'wings' on the side just look good! Also from this angle, one can really take in the neat little designs put on her armor.

I also like the texture details giving us a leather look for the gloves, cloth-like for the pants, and the metallic look for the armor platings and the likes.

The detailed tail and the glow--the glowing aesthetics is present throughout the glam.

I wouldn't call that her Megazord, but it can be a special weapon akin to a Power Sword, Power Bow, etc.

And what's a Power Ranger without some martial arts, right?

Don't be surprised if she also has a canon!

The Phoenix Zord on it's way?
Wings of an Angel

If she had a zord, what would it look like when they combined with the rest? Also, the mechanical and organic amalgamation looks really good! Love this mount!

I need the power of the Fist, NOW!

Or something like that?
Fire Birth Cyclone Kick--Blaze ATTACK!

Power Fist! Get Ready to Feel the Light! POWER UP!

Well, I certainly did have fun taking pics of A'rlen in this new outfit! Not entirely sure if this is going to stick around for a while since I still have the Masterless look on stand by. But for now, it's a good alternative.

Ahh... the Ranger waiting for the next battle. Waiting.

With Dawntrail trailer dropping not too long ago, we'll get some expansion news 'soon' and, of course, we'll find out if A'rlen gets herself a new outfit. But for now, have plenty to keep the cutest WoL busy.

Until Next Time!

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