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  • Writer's pictureOnyx

FFXIV: A'rlen Sirushi (Dragoon) II

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

The Lvl. 50 Dragoon Armor is definitely a mainstay. The next Dragoon armor given, the Lvl. 60 also became my second favorite armor and here I am to show it off and how A'rlen Sirushi has made it part of her signature when saving The First and The Source.

The Blood Dragoon

Unlike the Lvl. 50 Dragoon armor's painstaking task of getting it to be augmented so I could dye it and get the "Crimson Dragoon" (self) title, this armor could be dyed right off the get go. So that was nice. I was on a rotating door with my Dragoon armor during Heavensward and having this one coated red right away helped it stay side by side with my Crimson Dragoon!

I do love the makeshift 'wings' on her hips. Adds some depth to an already detailed armor set.

The intricacy of thee scales, the spikes, it's all very subtle but still makes its presence known. And this detail stays consistent for the most part. Also, A'rlen's tail is protected too! It's even armored up and made to look like a dragon tail!

I always have the helmet visor up no matter what. For some reason, helmet down doesn't look good on A'rlen. With the ugly version not withstanding, this entire set does look good with all the details, the extra layers, and being dyeable to my favorite color, it definitely has some good perks that I terribly adore. Don't think it could replace my favorite Dragoon armor though.

Tail armor!

And the 'wings' on the side is also well thought of. I adore it!

Hyperconductive Rhongomiant

Areadbhar Lux

In terms of weapon, this Dragoon outfit has gone through quite a few. For a while she was using the Hyperconductive Rhongomiant. These days (at least for now), she's sticking with a dyed Areadbhar Lux. Much like The Red Scion, the Anima Weapon seems to fit well with this Dragoon Armor (for now).

Action shots!

So I'm pretty sure I'll have this armor on for a while, at least as an alternate. I mostly use it for some roulettes and when I go hunting. It looks nice and it's dyeable, so it's got some legs to it. We shall see what other armors I get that might put this one to retirement. We shall see. Til then, A'rlen will continue to use this proudly!

Until Next Time!

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